This is when things start to hot up in more ways than one!
The first thing that needs to be looked at is whether or not construction work can be carried out on a particular road during the summer months. Many roads are covered by embargos which prohibits all works other than emergency works. Embargos can be used on particular roads for many reasons; some may just be time sensitive meaning you may only be able to carry out works between 9:30am and 2:30pm. This is usually due to heavy traffic flow during normal commuting periods as well as drop-off and pick-up times for schools etc.
Some embargos are more extensive. A common embargo is one that prohibits all construction work on a particular stretch of the public highway during the months of July and August. This is mainly due to tourism, when that particular road is used by far more vehicles than at most other times during the year. Always check for embargos.
Another thing to consider during these months is logistics. You’ve checked and there are no embargos in your area of works, but there may still be a significant increase in traffic flow. This might not be a factor if you need a delivery of 32 tonnes of aggregate, but might start to have a knock-on effect if you are laying 200 tonnes of Surface Course and need those delivery lorries to be arriving at set times; especially if your supplier is a considerable distance from the area of works. Any element of the works that could be said to be time sensitive in relation to material deliveries should be assessed carefully during times when high tourist volumes are expected.
This is just the beginning of a very long list of things to consider at this time of year.
For anything from just professional advice to complete project management contact A&R Consultants on: 01803 469 979 or